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About the 2025 Code Cycle

Welcome to the Statewide Utility CASE Team’s 2025 California Energy Code Proposal Process

We’re happy you are here!

The California Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) initiative generates preliminary proposal ideas, analyzes feasibility and technical merit, and presents final recommendations to the California Energy Commission (CEC). Here you will learn more about the process and how you can participate by submitting a code change proposal.

Together we can help guide California towards an energy efficient future. 

What is the Statewide Utility CASE initiative?

Three California investor-owned utilities (IOUs) – Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric, and Southern California Edison– and two publicly owned utilities – Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Sacramento Municipal Utility District – sponsor this effort. The program goal is to prepare and submit code change proposals that would result in cost-effective enhancements to improve energy efficiency and energy performance in California buildings.

To learn more, please visit the CEC website.

What is a Codes and Standards Enhancement Report (CASE Report)?

A Codes and Standards Enhancement Report (CASE Report) presents the justification for a code change proposal by documenting the technical and cost-effectiveness information needed for the CEC to assess the impact on building energy-efficient design practices and technologies. The CEC provides a Measure Proposal Template every code cycle for any public organization, company, or individual to submit a CASE Report to the CEC. The Statewide CASE Team’s completed measure proposals are called CASE Reports.

The Statewide CASE Team is one of several members of the public who develop and submit completed code change proposals to the CEC for consideration. Upon review of proposals, including CASE Reports, the CEC may decide to include the code change proposal in the CEC’s public participation process where proposals may be refined further before Commissioners vote for the adoption of code change revisions.

Who are CASE Authors?

The CASE Author is in charge of CASE Report development. Although described singularly, frequently the CASE Author is a small group of subject matter experts (SMEs) from various technical backgrounds. The CASE Author and the CASE initiative team, make up a Statewide CASE Team for each code change proposal.

Public Engagement Plan

This document details how the Statewide CASE Team will engage with stakeholders throughout the code cycle to identify challenges early and arrive at code change proposals that are ready for adoption. The Statewide CASE Team aims to engage stakeholders representing everyone affected by building codes, ensure equitable representation, continuously analyze gaps, and improve outreach processes.

Environmental Social Justice Engagement Action Plan

The CPUC’s Environmental and Social Justice Action Plan provides a roadmap to engage ESJ communities in their decision-making and address energy inequities across California. The CPUC has not directed the Statewide CASE Team to pursue any specific activities related to energy equity for codes and standards, but the Statewide CASE Team is interested in proactively aligning with CPUC’s ESJ goals. The document below presents actions the Statewide CASE Team will take to develop relationships and pursue long-term partnerships with ESJ stakeholders.

Get Email Updates

The Statewide Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) Team periodically distributes email notifications that promote upcoming meetings, provide materials from past meetings, and update stakeholders on the progression of the California Energy Commission (CEC)’s rulemaking process. You can choose to receive measure-specific and/or general updates on these topics depending on your needs.

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