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About Us

The Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) initiative presents recommendations to support the California Energy Commission (CEC)’s efforts to update the California Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6) to include new requirements or to upgrade existing requirements for various technologies. Three California investor-owned utilities – Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric, and Southern California Edison — and two Publicly Owned Utilities — Los Angeles Department of Water and Power and Sacramento Municipal Utility District — sponsor this effort.

As directed by Section 25402.7 of the Warren-Alquist Act, the electric and gas utilities and their consultants that make up the Statewide CASE Team provide the CEC with support as they consider updates to the Title 24, Part 6 and Part 11. Throughout each stage, the Statewide CASE Team maintains frequent communication with the CEC and aims to provide timely and reliable support to address technical and non-technical barriers to adopting the standards and preparing for them to take effect.

Want to get in touch?

The Statewide CASE Team encourages the open exchange of comments and concerns from all stakeholders engaged in the Title 24, Part 6 code change process. Contact us and we will put you in touch with the appropriate CASE Team members.

A top-down view of suburban houses and commercial buildings in a lush, green neighborhood.

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The Statewide Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) Team periodically distributes email notifications that promote upcoming meetings, provide materials from past meetings, and update stakeholders on the progression of the California Energy Commission (CEC)’s rulemaking process. You can choose to receive measure-specific and/or general updates on these topics depending on your needs.

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