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2025 Cycle Timeline and Key Milestones


In addition to this Title 24 specific timeline, Energy Code Ace provides an Energy Code Implementation Timeline that allows users to view and compare the monthly milestones for California and Federal code cycles.

Milestone Tentative Dates
Measure identification and selection June 2021 – May 2022
CEC Updates Weather Files and Develops 2025 TDV November 2021 – October 2022
Research version of CBECC with 2025 TDV and weather files available October 2022
Welcome Webinars October 2022
First Round of Utility-Sponsored Stakeholder Meetings January – February 2023
Second Round of Utility-Sponsored Stakeholder Meetings May 2023
Utilities Submit Draft CASE Reports to CEC and Post for Public Review May – June 2023
CEC Pre-rulemaking Workshops June 2023 – December 2023
Utilities Submit Final CASE Reports to CEC and Post for Public Review July – August 2023
Express Term Review October 2023
45-Day Express Terms Review January – February 2024
15-Day Express Term Review Beginning of April 2024
2025 Title 24, Part 6 Adopted August 2024
2025 Title 24, Part 11 (CALGreen) Adopted August 2024
2025 Compliance Manuals and ACM Reference Manuals Approved November 2024
CASE Study Results Reports and CCSRs Complete December 31, 2024
2025 Compliance Software Available to Public January 1, 2025
2025 Standards Effective January 1, 2026

Get Email Updates

The Statewide Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) Team periodically distributes email notifications that promote upcoming meetings, provide materials from past meetings, and update stakeholders on the progression of the California Energy Commission (CEC)’s rulemaking process. You can choose to receive measure-specific and/or general updates on these topics depending on your needs.

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