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Measure Identification

Code change proposals are sometimes referred to as measure ideas. Measure ideas are submitted in either the Nonresidential, Multifamily, or Single Family sectors. If you have questions, contact the Statewide CASE Team at [email protected]

How are Code Change Proposals Selected?

At the beginning of each three-year cycle, there are many code change proposals in the Statewide CASE Team’s queue for consideration, which are sourced from previous code cycles, conversations with industry experts or other stakeholders, or direct recommendations via our code change proposal form.

Many criteria are used to evaluate the initial CASE proposal list including but not limited to: energy savings, cost effectiveness, technical feasibility, enforceability, adoptability, market readiness, and alignment with other state policy goals and California Energy Commission (CEC) priorities. The initial list usually includes over 500 proposals. The Statewide CASE Team, with input from the CEC, uses the evaluation criteria to develop the final measure list, which ends up between 50-100 proposals. Once the list is culled, the CASE Authors get to work. CASE Reports require rigorous analysis and stakeholder engagement via public and individual meetings with stakeholders. On average, about two thirds of the Statewide CASE Team’s proposed measures are ultimately adopted by the CEC.

From Code Change Proposal Submissions to Current Status

The graphics below show the number of submissions that the Statewide CASE Team received by building type and system type. These numbers changed over time as proposals are received and evaluated. The Statewide CASE Team considers several factors when screening submissions, including:

  • Initial Screening: Preemption concerns, regulatory scope, software requirements, permit/compliance requirements, data requirements, ASHRAE or IECC inclusion, and relevance to long-term climate goals
  • Prioritization: Greenhouse gas savings potential, electricity savings potential, natural gas savings potential, environmental and social justice impacts, non-energy benefits (such as water conservation), adoptability, code compliance and enforceability, cost-effectiveness, technical feasibility, and market readiness
  • Development: When developing code change proposals and associated technical information, the Statewide CASE Team worked with many industry stakeholders including building officials, manufacturers, builders, utility incentive program managers, Title 24 energy analysts, and others involved in the code compliance process. The proposal incorporates feedback received during public stakeholder workshops that the Statewide CASE Team held between January 2023 and May 2023, as well as follow-up discussions with stakeholders at large.

2025 Code Change Proposals by Building Type

The following chart shows the number of code change proposals by building type updated over time. In April 2022, the total number of proposals under consideration was n=645, up from n=392 at the end of 2021. As of July 2023, n=54. The sectors are Nonresidential, Multifamily, and Single Family. As shown below, the most common code change proposals occur in the Nonresidential sector.

2025 Code Change Proposals by System Type

The following charts track code change proposal categories within the Nonresidential, Multifamily, and Single Family sectors.

MF Code Change Proposals by System Type, July 2023 chart

*A covered process describes production equipment or systems in a structure subject to Title 24, Part 6 requirements. A covered process is typically not related to space conditioning, lighting, or service water heating. Examples of a covered process include computer rooms, compressed air systems, foodservice, some aspects of horticulture or industrial processes, as well as many other activities.

**Multiple implies a code change proposal which encompasses multiple categories: HVAC, Covered Processes, DWH, Envelope, Lighting, Load Shifting, Generation, and Storage. For example, this might include a proposal to add a trigger for alterations based on building age or date of last alteration, or reducing embodied carbon in buildings by substituting traditional building materials with low carbon versions or reducing amount of materials needed.

***Other refers to measures that are not included in HVAC, Covered Processes, DWH, Envelope, Lighting, Load Shifting, Multiple, Generation, or Storage.

2025 Code Change Proposals: Building and System Type Percentages

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The Statewide Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) Team periodically distributes email notifications that promote upcoming meetings, provide materials from past meetings, and update stakeholders on the progression of the California Energy Commission (CEC)’s rulemaking process. You can choose to receive measure-specific and/or general updates on these topics depending on your needs.

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