Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Cost Analysis for Title 24, Part 11 (CALGreen)
This report documents support provided to California Air Resource Board (CARB) staff in developing proposals for 2022 CALGreen Medium- and Heavy-Duty (MHD) Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure requirements. The report reviews the regulatory landscape for EV charging infrastructure and outlines the proposed requirements to enable impactful opportunity charging for visiting MHD EVs at loading spaces for grocery, retail, and warehouse building types. A benefits and cost analysis featuring nine scenarios shows that these proposed requirements meet the public benefit and purpose of accelerating the electrification of MHD transportation to address greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction and air quality improvement priorities by preparing buildings to host a minimum level of EV charging infrastructure. Further, the new construction requirements will help avoid potentially much more expensive retrofit costs to install the same equipment in the future. The report concludes with recommendations for future work to increase scope and close data gaps.
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