Code Cleanup Initiative
Think the 2019 Lighting Energy Code is confusing? We’re here to help!
The Statewide CASE Team and the California Energy Alliance have convened a working group to propose clarifying edits to the 2019 Title 24, Part 6 lighting code, with the goal of increasing readability and improving code compliance. We’ve teamed up with a wide variety of stakeholder groups to identify issues and simplify the lighting code language. Working group sessions will occur in September and October 2019, with final recommendations begin presented to the Energy Commission in November 2019.
Please contact [email protected] if you have questions or suggestions for the working group.
Have any clarifying edits for other sections of the Energy Code? Submit your idea to the Statewide CASE Team using this form.
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The Statewide Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) Team periodically distributes email notifications that promote upcoming meetings, provide materials from past meetings, and update stakeholders on the progression of the California Energy Commission (CEC)’s rulemaking process. You can choose to receive measure-specific and/or general updates on these topics depending on your needs.