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Nonresidential Indoor Lighting Power Densities (LPDs)

Measure Description

This indoor light power densities (LPDs) measure revises the lighting power allowances assigned in Tables 140.6-B, 140.6-C, 140.6-D, and 140.6-G to adjust the values to be comparable in energy efficiency to the levels presented in ASHRAE 90.1. This proposal results in modifications to Sections 140.6 of the Title 24, Part 6 California Energy Code. The proposal does not result in changes to the Reference Appendices. CEC adopted the 2016 Standards and Reference Appendices on June 10, 2015. The compliance manuals and compliance forms will be updated to reflect the changes to the standards. This change does not require changes to the Alternative Calculation Manual (ACM) Reference Manuals or the compliance software.

Summary of Revisions that Occurred during CEC Pre-rulemaking and Rulemaking

The Statewide CASE Team solicited feedback from a variety of stakeholders when developing the version of the CASE Report that CEC used as a “document relied upon” in their rulemaking package (see Appendix A). In addition to personal outreach to key stakeholders, the Statewide CASE Team conducted a public stakeholder meeting to discuss the proposal on May 15, 2014. Feedback that stakeholders provided during the utility-sponsored stakeholder meeting is summarized in Section 2.4 of the report presented in Appendix A. See Section 3 for additional information about changes that occurred during CEC’s prerulemaking and rulemaking processes.

Stakeholder Feedback

  • Request for Input April 2014: The Statewide CASE Team released information about the proposed CASE measures and requested input on specific questions. The request for input document is available for reference, but we are no longer accepting feedback on this code change proposal.
  • Stakeholder meeting: On May 15, 2014,  the Statewide CASE Team held a public stakeholder meeting to discuss the proposed code changes. The presentations and notes are available.



  1. CASE Study Results Report
  2. Final CASE Report

Give Us Your Feedback

The Statewide CASE Team values input from all stakeholders engaged in the Title 24, Part 6 code change process. We encourage the open exchange of code change comments and concerns.

  • Use the form above to provide feedback on this measure.

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