Measure Description
This proposed code change is an update to lighting power allowances (LPAs) for all outdoor applications. It saves energy by extending the use of high efficacy light emitting diode (LED) technology as the basis for LPA calculations for all outdoor areas (Table 140.7-A and Table 140.7-B), which reduces LPAs. The proposed LPAs can be met with warm correlated color temperature (3000K) light sources. The Statewide CASE Team ensured that the LPAs can be met by 3000K fixtures because there has been a shift in outdoor lighting design towards warmer correlated color temperature in recent years and many local governments have installed warm correlated color temperature outdoor fixtures (3000K to 4000K). The Statewide CASE Team has not observed any significant momentum towards installations below 3000K. Table 140.7-A (General Hardscape) was updated based on LED performance levels during the 2016 code cycle, however, most changes to Table 140.7-B (Specific Applications) were rejected due to the individual line items not being cost-effective. LED efficacy has continued to grow and costs have continued to drop; all line items in Table 140.7-B are now cost-effective.
The Statewide CASE Team 2019 Title 24, Part 6 Final CASE Report is available below. The Final CASE Report incorporates feedback received during utility-sponsored stakeholder meetings, Energy Commission Pre-Rulemaking workshops, and personal communication with stakeholders.
Presentations and Meetings
- Presentation from September 2016 Stakeholder Meeting
- Notes from September 2016 Stakeholder Meeting
- Presentation from March 2017 Stakeholder Meeting
- Notes from March 2017 Stakeholder Meeting
Code Language
- Needs Assessment Report
- CASE Study Results Report
- Final CASE Report – Addendum Added December 2017
- Final CASE Report
- Draft CASE Report
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The Statewide CASE Team values input from all stakeholders engaged in the Title 24, Part 6 code change process. We encourage the open exchange of code change comments and concerns.