2016 Cycle
Measure Type
Related Measures
Thermally Driven Cooling
Proposes adding a compliance options for the absorption chillers, adsorption chillers, and desiccant systems that would be available when using he performance approach. Recommends rulesets to add to the nonresidential compliance software. -
Residential HVAC Verification and Diagnostics
Recommends revisions to existing refrigerant charging and verification procedures to reduce inefficiencies in residential HVAC equipment. -
Residential Instantaneous Water Heaters
Revise the prescriptive requirements for water heaters in single family homes and multifamily buildings with dedicated water heaters for each dwelling unit so the primary prescriptive pathway is based on a gas instantaneous water heater. -
CALGreen Commercial Kitchens
The proposed code change would add a mandatory water efficiency requirement for food waste disposers in commercial buildings. The proposed requirement limits disposer water use to no more than 8 gallons per minute (gpm) and requires that disposers either modulate the use of water... -
Nonresidential Direct Digital Controls
The Direct Digital Control (DDC) measure would require DDC systems for certain building applications that are currently not required by Title 24, Part 6. By expanding the scope of applications requiring DDC, energy management data would be more readily available allowing for more efficient systems ... -
Nonresidential Fan Efficiency Grades
This fan efficiency measure will propose using a new metric known as the Fan Efficiency grade (FEG), a metric adopted by ASHRAE and created by the Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA). The fan efficiency measure will require a minimum FEG of 67, and the total efficiency of the fan ... -
ASHRAE Escalator and Moving Walkway Speed Control
The Escalator and Moving Walkway Speed Control measure would require escalators and moving walkways to automatically slow down to the minimum permitted speed in accordance with ASME A17.1/CSA B44: Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators, or applicable local code... -
Nonresidential HVAC Economizer Modifications
This 2013 Title 24 prescriptively requires that economizers be installed on cooling fan systems with cooling capacity equal to or greater than 54,000 Btu/h. A mandatory control requirement for economizers on air-cooled unitary direct expansion systems is a Fault Detection and Diagnostic (FDD) system ... -
Nonresidential HVAC/Water Equipment Efficiencies
The purpose of this measure is to update mandatory efficiency requirements for space conditioning equipment that appear in Tables 110.2-A thru K so the minimum equipment efficiency values are as stringent as the minimum efficiency requirements in ASHRAE 90.1-2013. Not every efficiency value listed ...