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Code Correction Request

The Statewide CASE Team is currently collecting suggested code corrections for the 2019 Title 24, Part 6 code. If you have spotted a syntax error or inconsistency, please let us know using the form below.

NOTE: Please be as specific as possible with your submissions so the Energy Commission can clearly identify and evaluate your request.

  • 1.) Please indicate the type of correction that most closely describes your submission.
  • 2.) Please provide a link to the code section in which you are suggesting a change.

    To find a link, please navigate to the relevant code section in the tool here.

    Once you have found the relevant code section, click the Email (✉) icon in the upper right corner and copy the link provided into the space provided below.

  • 3.) Please provide other identifying information about the section and subsection where this issue is located.
    Please be as specific as possible. Do not include "Section" or "§" (example: 120.1(b)1Biii).

  • 4.) Select all building types this proposed change applies to.

  • 5.) Please select the system most impacted by the proposed change.

  • 6.) Please describe the proposed change. Be as detailed as possible.

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