2022 Cycle
Building Type
Related Measures
Multifamily Chapter Restructuring
The Statewide CASE Team proposes additional chapters for Title 24, Part 6, specific to multifamily buildings. -
Multifamily Indoor Air Quality
This CASE Report will investigate the options to reduce energy use and improve indoor air quality (IAQ) in multifamily dwelling units. It will also evaluate the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of a mandatory compartmentalization air leakage requirement and develop a path for a multifamily building to conduct an infiltration test verified by HERS blower door testing on a sample of multifamily units per building or per floor. -
Multifamily High Performance Envelope
This CASE Report will reduce area-weighted U-factor for the thermal envelope in multifamily buildings and will include the following five submeasures. -
Multifamily Domestic Hot Water
This CASE Report for multifamily domestic water heating will include three submeasures: central heat pump water heating, hot water distribution, and solar thermal water heating. -
Multifamily All Electric Package
This CASE Report will develop a prescriptive pathway and compliance option for all-electric multifamily buildings that use electric appliances for all regulated and non-regulated end uses. This topic builds on the 2019 prescriptive requirements for low-rise residential buildings that allow heat pump water heating (individual water heaters) and space heating.